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Parent Teacher Conferences

It's that time of year again, when we get to meet with parents, and discuss how their child is doing. I'm actually looking forward to having conferences scheduled with our new online scheduling. In the past, the parents were told they could just stop by our rooms if they wanted to talk. We didn't know what to prepare!

I wanted to share with you what I use when I meet with parents. I discovered this template and have modified to meet the needs of a world language teacher (I can't remember exactly where I found this, so if you know, or it's you, please let me know!). It's always a good idea to give the parent something to take with them.

I usually set up a table in my room, and I put some of my leftover Spanish-styled fabric over the table. It helps it to feel more formal. I also keep a notepad and pens for myself, and the parent. (My Dad was always the type to take notes, and I think that's smart.). I want to make sure I remember if I say I'll do something for the parents. It's also a good idea to have extra copies, or let the parent know where they can download extra copies of their student's assignments.

The sheet starts off with the breakdown of the student's grade. This tells us the areas that he or she is excelling in, or needs to work on.

I've always been told it's a good idea to start out with a positive. After all, if you're going to share some concerns, you should also share some strengths that this parent's child has. So I include this section. What I do is I highlight the points I want to discuss with the parent using a highlighter.

Then I have a section for comments, or anything that we need to add. 

In addition to this sheet, I print off a copy of the student's grade report. Parents & students have access to our online grade book, but not every parent is able to check it, or sometimes they forget their password. 

Here's a link to purchase this sheet on my TeachersPayTeachers page. 

How do you do parent teacher conferences? Please share. 

Srta. Libertad


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