I'm finally starting to get in the swing of things again this year, and I, of course, got the infamous "back-to-school-cold"! So sorry for not updating in a while. I wanted to share with you a wonderful project that I love having my students complete. Now, my students do not live in a town that has a high population of Hispanics, especially in our schools. So I created "Spanish All Around You" project. They were constantly telling me that they didn't see Spanish in our town, or that they didn't know anyone, so I needed to change that! It's pretty basic, I have them go around THEIR community and collect 6 items in Spanish. It can be anything they have at home (cell phone instructions, xBox instructions, hair straightener, etc) or they can go around the community (restaurants, library, grocery store, etc.) to find the items. I even had a student find some Spanish on a visor in their parent's car (the air bag warning). It's always awe...
Lessons, ideas, and thoughts from a junior high Spanish teacher.