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Showing posts from 2016

Spanish Club Calendar

Here we are with about a week left until I start school! I can't believe summer is almost gone. Of course, I'm fighting a cold I caught on my trip to San Francisco, but hey, at least I got away. Let's hope it's gone so that I don't get my usual one when school starts up. One of the things I love but hate about the beginning of the year, is getting organized with my extra curricular activities. I mean, I love them, but hate to try to figure out schedules and what I'm going to do. I've tried to search for an easy to follow calendar, but couldn't find one. So, finally, after 7 years, I've made it easier on myself! I've created a Spanish Club Calendar with links to different activities. As I've stated before, at my jr. high we have 7th & 8th grade students, so I've created this on a 2 year format . I alternate them each year (year A and B), so that the students don't get repeats.  I've included links to differe...

Block Schedule Lesson Planner - New!

Guys! I had to post about this, because I'm so excited about it! First of all, I'm sorry I've been so absent. Clearly last school year got the best of me, and I put blogging on the back-burner so to speak. I'm setting myself a goal of 2 blog posts a month for this upcoming 2016 - 2017 school year! Alright, back to my original reason for posting this blog. A couple years back, I posted this post about how I started using the 2 week model from Holly over at Throwawayyourtextbooks blog. It really revolutionized how I planned my lesson. Even though I learned how to write & plan effective lessons in my college methodology classes, I didn't necessarily learn to organize these lessons in a timely and efficient manner. I would think about the assessment later on, after I had already started the unit (I know- wrong way!). I would always be behind my coworker in our units. I felt like I had to fit in EVERYTHING! (I bet you know the feeling, right?) Her & I have ...