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Showing posts from February, 2015

Google Galore!

Here in the Midwest, we just had a blizzard. Same thing happened about 4 years ago, on the exact dates (that's odd). Naturally, I'm here doing school work on my snow day. :) I've been trying to utilize technology a lot more in my classroom. I thought I'd share some of my ways/ideas here. Google Translate Recently, they came out with their new features (voice & camera). I used it in my classes to demonstrate to my students how it's not 100% accurate, and open up a discussion about cultural implications of using technology. My students LOVED it. We used posters in my room to translate from Spanish--> English, then we did a mini "field-trip" around the school to translate from English--> Spanish. Now, I'm lucky, and we have a back hallway where the gym/lunchroom is, so in our expedition, we weren't disturbing other classes. The kids had a blast! It's a great activity for middle/junior high kids. You can find the activity HERE...