We all know that speaking is an important facet of learning a foreign language, well there really isn't much to a language without communication. So I thought for my first post I'd share some ideas/tips that I use in my classroom. Useful tools I have recently been lucky enough to have my district purchase a subscription to www.lingtlanguage.com , and it has really been useful. I like to do this before we take a speaking exam. It is amazing how well the students do when they do not feel the pressure of speaking to me face to face. This may seem odd to others, but I show a movie during the time I'm giving my students their "orales". I just showed my Intro. to Spanish class Selena as we're coming to the end of our Ch. 3 unit [ Exprésate 1] I have the students come up, and they have a minute to prepare, then I have 2 desks set up facing each other for us to speak. As the students are having their speaking exam, the others are working on questions and learni...